Primary xylem
Oak wood
Leaf vein
Vein ends
Bean seed
Pine tracheids, xs
Fern TE, xs
Fern, TE, mag
Annular walls
Annular, stretched
Annular, narrow
Scalariform walls
Scalar., narrow
CBP, pine
CBP, dicot
CBP, irregular
Contact faces
Pits, side view
CBP, pine, xs
CBP,angio, xs
CBP, fern, xs
Contact face, xs
Simple perf. plate 1
Simple perf. plate 2
Pitted perf. plate
Perf. plate & helix
Perf. plate, face
Perf. plate, mag
Perf. plate, section
Perf. plate rim
Perf. plate & wall
Scalariform Per plate
Primary xylem
Vessel sizes
Fern TE
Pine needle
VE precursor, ls
9 Contact faces
VE precursor, xs
Precursor 2
Torn vessel
Torn vessel 2

Fig. 7.3-4. Transverse section of vascular bundle in parsnip (Pastinaca). This micrograph shows a simple perforation plate lying parallel to the plane of sectioning, but it is in a vessel element with a helical secondary wall rather than a pitted one as in Fig. 7.3-3. The arrow marks the portion of wall that is the perforation plate, the other red bands are helices of secondary wall.

Most of the tissue is slightly out of focus, as is even part of the perforation plate. The perforation lies deep within the section, so by focusing on it, all the rest of the tissue is out of focus. The fact that part of the perforation is in focus and part is not indicates that it is tilted, not perfectly parallel to the plane of sectioning.